Guest Speaker
Hamish Church
Partner and Investment Advisor


With a career of more than 20 years in the Financial
Services Industry, Hamish has built a reputation for servicing
the investment needs of entrepreneurs, not-for-profits and
ultra-high net worth families.
With experience at Citibank, Dublin and Bell Potter, Sydney
Hamish joined UBS Wealth Management in 2011 before
being appointed as a founding partner and shareholder of
Crestone Wealth Management in 2016.
Hamish has a unique ability to put his clients at ease,
building trust in a short period of time. Never afraid of asking
difficult questions or thinking outside the square, clients
appreciate partnering with an honest, passionate person,
who is committed to servicing them for the long term.
Hamish holds a Bachelor of Business, Diploma of Financial
Services: Financial Planning, is a Master of the Stockbrokers
and Financial Advisers Association and member of RIAA
(Responsible Investments Association Australasia).
Hamish supports a number of charitable organisations. In an
official capacity he is a member of the Finance Committee
for batyr (mental health support for Australian youth) and a
member of the Stewardship Committee at the Ingham
Institute for Applied Medical Research.
Hamish has a Bachelor of Business, Diploma of Financial
Services: Financial Planning and is a Master of the
Stockbrokers and Financial Advisers Association.